Ampanman & Friends

Anpanman is a Japanese picture book series written by Takashi Yanase, running from 1973 until the author's death in 2013. The series has been adapted into an anime entitled Soreike! Anpanman.

The series follows the adventures of Anpanman, a superhero with an anpan (a bean-jam filled pastry) for a head, who protects the world from an evil anthropomorphic germ named Baikinman (Baikin means germ). Baikinman’s sidekick is a blue girl named Dokin-chan.

The world is populated by all types of little characters made from different types of Japanese breads.

The main character, Anpanman flies around and rescues his fellow friends by offering tem to bite a piece of his head. This sounds very strange but  Jam Ojisan (meaning Jam Grandpa) bakes his replacement head everyday. 

For a full list of characters please see the following link.

You can watch clips and episodes on youtube. It is very colorful and little kids love the show.

We have some of the characters at our store.

The difference between Sake, Shochu, and other Japanese Spirits

Shochu is a distilled liquor and very popular in Japan. In fact, despite sake’s popularity outside of Japan, in Japan shochu is the more consumed beverage.

There are many essential differences between shochu and sake. Shochu is distilled; sake is fermented. Sake is made from rice; shochu can be made from sweet potato (imo), barley (mugi), rice (kome) and other ingredients.

Shochu is typically stronger (on average, 25-30% alcohol vs. 15-18% alcohol for sake)

They taste nothing alike, and are best enjoyed in different ways

Aside from the fact that they’re both great beverages, their only major similarity is that you should try them both when visiting Japan!

While Shochu is occasionally referred to as “Japanese vodka,” not only is this misleading, it also doesn’t do Shochu justice. The taste of Shochu is closer to “Brazillian Cachaça”.

Some examples of Shochu: 


We typically have shochu on the rocks. Or with grapefruit  juice or lemon juice or Oolong tea., these can be bough in typical “Izakaya” style restaurants or in bars and also at convenient stores. In convenience stores they are called “Chuhai”.


The taste between Shochu and Sake are very different. Shochu has a much stronger taste whereas Sake has a lighter taste. We usually choose to drink on or the other with a meal and not mix them.

As with making any great beverage, making great sake starts with sourcing the finest ingredients.   Sake is made essentially from water and rice, with the help of important catalysts yeast and koji spores.  Koji spores are dusted onto some of the rice in order to convert rice starches into sugar, which is consumed by yeast to create alcohol.

Good rice must be used and very clean river water. The soaking process is very important as well. A carefully measured amount of rice is washed and soaked in preparation for its steaming.  While large breweries in Japan would normally (that is for all but the finest brews) measure, wash and soak rice for brewing by various machine processes. The best traditional way is by rice washing bags and tubs to achieve the perfect pre-steaming consistency, which is judged by texture of the soaked rice using the hands and experience of the brew-master rather than a simple calculation of time.

After the washed and soaked rice is at the perfect condition for steaming, the rice is hand-loaded into a rice steamer, which was manufactured in Japan especially for the production of small- batch sake rice for the highest quality sakes (large breweries use mechanized continuous steaming systems).  Unlike rice for the dinner table, which is typically boiled in hot water either in a pot or automatic rice maker, sake rice is prepared by steaming, which allows the rice to maintain a firm outer texture and soft center, thereby helping the brewing process.

Next is the Rice cooling process, when rice is taken out of the steamer it is very hot and must be cooled prior to being used in further stages of production. Using traditional methods of rice tossing and kneading to adjust the temperature, which also allows the brew-master to assess in detail the texture of the steamed rice and choose how to best use it within the brews.

Koji Making: heart of a sake brewery is its “koji muro”, the cedar-lined room in which koji is made, which has a delightful aroma in addition to having natural anti-bacterial resins which help to create a clean environment conducive to efficient koji production.

Koji making is a 48-hour process which involves the inoculation of rice with koji spores, careful kneading and control of temperature and humidity, resulting in very sweet and white koji, ready for becoming about 20-35% of the rice used in the production of sake depending on recipe.

The operating temperature in the koji muro is typically 30-32 degrees Celsius, which makes for a challenging work environment for the brewery staff.

Once the first batch of koji is ready, it is time to start mixing it into chilled spring water and yeast in a fermentation tank, then adding steamed rice.  The tank is filled gradually, in three stages over a 4-day period.  This allows the yeast to retain its strength to keep consuming sugar and producing alcohol throughout the fermentation period, which typically continues for 21 days.  Temperature within the fermentation tanks is carefully controlled using cooling jackets, as the sake’s pleasant tastes are enhanced by not allowing the yeast to act at its ideal productive temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, rather at a lower temperature ranging from 8-18 degrees depending on the stage of fermentation.   The brew, called “moromi”, is carefully mixed by hand on a daily basis to ensure consistent fermentation.  Each day tests are performed to check specific gravity, acidity and alcohol content.


Pressing And Racking: Once the moromi reaches completion as determined by the brewmaster, it is drained by gravity into cloth bags which are placed in the traditional “Fune” press which works with gravity and hand-applied mechanical pressure (in a large commercial brewery the moromi is machine-pumped into a large accordion like hydraulic press called a “Yabuta”).  The first juice of sake starts emerging from a spout at one end of the press under the natural weight of the filled bags, resulting in a light-and-fruity first-pressed sake known “arabashiri”.

Gathering around the press and tasting the arabashiri is a reward to the brewery staff who have worked very hard to create the batch.  It is also perhaps a treat to be savoured by those who visit our brewery on pressing days.

Bottling: Once pressed and racked the sake may either be bottled immediately or temporarily tank-stored at close to 0 degrees Celsius. The dark brown color of glass is used to best protect the sake from ultraviolet rays, which may damage the sake’s flavor and appearance.

We usually don’t mix sake with juice. There are different types, some are sweet, some are floral, but for most people that love sake we ask for “Karakuchi” which is a dry sake. Similar to the way people prefer sweet white wine or dry white wine.

For dinner with friends it is our custom to start with “Nama Beer” which is tap beer. And when the food arrives we order sake or shochu, depending on the meal.

Some people like to have “hot sake” in winter but it is not considered very good. Usually a very cheap sake is used and it is generally frowned upon.  It’s not really bad manners but we wouldn't recommend ordering it.  Hot tea is a better way to warm up.

We also have sake at the temple for new years with the monks. In many temples you will find these. Some are small and some are very large.


Our current selection of sake and shochu at our store is as follows, depending on the day and our stock. We also have sake tasting if you would like to sample it before purchasing. 

We also have “Ume-shu” which is a sweet plum wine. Sometimes we drink it with soda or tonic water. We also have Yuzu wine. Yuzu is made from a type of Japanese lemon. 

And for the late nighters, a Japanese whisky nightcap or rum that we have. But that will be for another story. 


"Roberu" is dedicated to the art of handmade.

Roberu is a leather workshop that carefully selects organically tanned and dyed leather materials, arranges them in designs that highlight their distinctive features, and creates products that naturally blend into the lifestyle of their owners. The brand name is a derivative of the words "ROad, BEach, RUnner", which express the lifestyle and outlook of Roberu's owner Shinji Iwamoto.

The career of Shinji Iwamoto, owner of Roberu, began with his first encounter with leather.

“It was a piece of tanned and dyed leather, and when I spread it out, I saw that it was badly damaged. Yet, to me it looked very beautiful. I felt the primal energy of the cattle it once was, and ideas just started flowing. I wanted to make a wallet out of this part, and a bag of that part.” 

Ever since this first encounter, Iwamoto does not use pigments in a manner that covers and hides the surface, instead he selects leather materials that are tanned and dyed organically and retain the natural feel of the leather.

Iwamoto procures his leather materials from a trusted tanner in Himeji. Aware of the harsh condition that surround the leather industry, including the global deficit of raw leather and the lack of young people in Japan willing to learn the craft of tanning, Iwamoto takes the responsibility to make bulk orders when he discovers leather materials he intends to use.

“The ability to masterfully express hues through pigments is in the core of any trust-based relationship. I create my works taking into account the ideas of my counterpart.”

As for the manufacturing process, all operations that can be conducted at the atelier are performed by Roberu staff, while operations for which they do not possess equipment are outsourced to factories. This approach is based on the fundamental concept to visibly express the existence of the person who forms the background of each product. This straightforward attitude toward materials and the handmade art has solidified the Roberu brand's reputation.

Roberu has been creating iPhone cases since the time the iconic smartphone was first launched on the market. Its presentation excited Iwamoto and inspired him to create something resonant. Through a process of trial and error, Iwamoto combined leather with rubber to create a case that felt like a piece of clothing that covers the iPhone.

“I was really impressed and excited by the iPhone, so I don’t think I will make cases for other smartphones. The Roberu brand does not simply represent leather products, but also a special attitude, a personal touch. I took the photos myself, and created the website from scratch - all of this is Roberu.”

Shinji Iwamoto

The iPhone case is an item of exquisite quality that can be worn with a casual feel. Light and small as it is, the case is an embodiment of the Roberu spirit.

Beams Clothing

Special collection of T-shirs, Caps, Pins by BEAMS


IKIMAS T Shirt by HIMAA: Simple Japanese phrase “IKETARA IKIMAS” used in a daily life is printed on front on a T-shirt, designed by Masanao Hirayama. The phrase means “I’ll come if possible”, but it truly means “I won’t come”, which is a popular cliché used to turn down an invitation. HIMAA: Masanao Hirayama aka HIMAA is a painter, drawer and performer based in Tokyo. In July 2017, his book exhibition was held at Zurich, Switzerland. Available in Black & White.

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GENTLENYAN T Shirt by Kaseki Cider: ”GENTLEYAN” is the next generation character created by Kaseki Cider, Japanese multifaceted artist working in music, comic book and the magazine.

Kaseki Cider: Kaseki Cider formed his own one-man band as an Indie hip-hop artist in 1994. After the major label debut in 1996, he released 7 albums and also produced multiple tracks for other musicians. Not only for the music, he has quite a good reputation for his works including comics and essays.

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Palm Graphics: Koji Toyoda started his career as Palm Graphic at International Surfing Museum in Huntington Beach (CA) in 1997. Toyoda has been working for his art pieces along with the product designs. He is an artistic director for the surfing and art event “Surf Art? Japan” as well.

ENJOY SURF T Shirt by Palm Graphics: Special color edition of the “ENJOY SURF”T-shirt, created for the Palm Graphics exhibition “White & Blue” at Tokyo CULTUART by BEAMS.

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SMILE T Shirt by Palm Graphics: “SMILE” T-shirt was released to make everyone smile for the Palm Graphics exhibition “White & Blue” at Tokyo CULTUART by BEAMS.

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Bou Cap by VOU: Japanese kanji meaning stick or pole (Bou=Vou) embroidered cap. Both “bou” and “vou” in Japanese are pronounced mostly the same which is using a sound that is not used in English.

VOU: Vou is a gallery and a lifestyle store on a narrow backstreet lined with old Japanese townhouse, located at Shijyo-Karasuma, the downtown area of Kyoto. The store carries a curated selection of art pieces from all over Japan, along with original products.

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Bou & Girl Pin by VOU:Japanese kanji meaning stick or pole (Bou=Vou) pin, designed by the illustrator Yuta Okamura. Both “bou” and “vou” in Japanese are pronounced mostly the same which is using a sound that is not used in English.

VOU: Vou is a gallery and a lifestyle store on a narrow backstreet lined with old Japanese townhouse, located at Shijyo-Karasuma, the downtown area of Kyoto. The store carries a curated selection of art pieces from all over Japan, along with original products.

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Founded by Ken Nishiyama in 2016:

This Egyptian cotton is exceptional and spends more than two and half year to create. We make the yarn in Swaziland and make fabric in Japan, before dyeing the cotton in order to make a highest quality product at the end.

After experimenting with different kinds of cotton: Giza, sea island, supuima, torfan, spin, bakarat etc, they finally decided to select GIZA no.45, because it was physically the Best Quality of all:

From the touch of material, different classes, polish surface, excellent texture etc, all of these factors linked to T’s concept which is “ Extreme of Comfort”. This is the reason we choose they exceptional fabric.

The owner decided to make product basing on, “Extreme Quality Product” and not according to “price”. For this reason the pricing is higher than other shirts on the market but you receive exceptional quality.

The owner will not be influence by season, delivery, general market condition, etc.

For these reasons, T’s is an exceptional brand. Please come to our store to check the quality for yourself.

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Inner Lights Exhibition By Ricci Mondo On April 19th

Born in Kobe in 1950, Ricci Mondo is been living both in France and Japan, while working as a photographer and fashion designer.

Taking picture has always been Ricci's favorite medium of creation, starting in his early age with analog then digital. During his graduation at Kyoto University of Arts, his main working area was the dark room to play with chemicals in the aim of obtaining lights treatments and paper. But Ricci got frustrated by analog restrictions and leaved his experiments apart of his photographing work.

With the boom of digital photography, Ricci Mondo was able to experiment again with retouching and go deeper with treatments, playing with colors to find a deeper understanding of every shoot. He discovered lights hidden in the dark and how he can draw colors and lights from objects.

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Prints will be available for purchase in a very limited edition:
A0 & B2, editions of 2
A3, B4, A4, editions of 8

Goto Tomorrow Dog Leashes

Goto-Tomorrow is a workshop located in Takamatsu, Kagawa prefecture.

M. Fujita and his son have been working on saddlery goods, with techniques passed down through 4 generations. Thanks to their continuous and fully handcrafting work as saddlers, they have now come with a line of accessories for beloved pets.

Made from a single piece of leather and carefully hand stitched one by one. The lead and collar are made to be strong and usable for years. The leather is smoothed for hours to be sure it is soft and comfortable on dog and cat's neck. It is a difficult technique which can only be made by skilled craftsmen. 

Every lead comes with a leather tag to attach on your bag or trousers while you let your dog walk alone.





Sakura Cherry Blossoms

It's our favorite time of the year! Sakura Cherry Blossom season! This is this years official map for Cherry Blossom Sightings throughout Japan. 

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We eat and drink under the trees and wait for the petals to fall on us for good luck. Part of their beauty is that they only bloom for a short while. This has so many meanings about our life and our appreciation of beauty.

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One of our favorite places is in Naka-Meguro. A wonderful time to celebrate Spring and the end of winter. If you are in Japan, we hope you are enjoying this. If not, you can find cherry blossoms throughout the world. 


Sugahara Glass

Every one of the glasses are made by hand. The Sugahara craftsmanship brings out the warmth of each glass.

Their motto is: “Glass is alive.” “Conversing with glass”. For the glass craftsmen of Sugahara, this is a natural expression

There is a moment when glass, as a liquid under extreme heat, attains its supreme beauty. That moment is captured, and a form is given to it. Drawing out the infinite potential of glass to the fullest. Creating a unique shine and flowing forms.

To do this,

Craftsmen stand face-to-face with glass each day and listen to its voice. They aspire to deliver glassware that feels as warm as the human body, which will bring a smile to your lips when you hold it in your hand, and which will add colors when entertaining that special person in your life.

Sugahara never compromises when it comes to handmade glass.

Since their beginnings in 1932, in Tokyo, the artisans at Sugahara have applied traditional Japanese design techniques to reveal and express the beauty of glass in ways never before seen, in handcrafted glassware for the tabletop and other uses.


Company History: 1932 Kazuma Sugahara begins a private business manufacturing glassware at what is now Koto-ku, Tokyo. From there their glasses became popular all over Japan and now internationally. 





Chasen Tea Whisk




The making of tea whisks began in the middle of the Muromachi period (1333-1568), when the younger son of the lord of Takayama was asked to make a whisk by Murata Juko, who had been instrumental in perfecting the tea ceremony. Thereafter, the production method was kept a guarded secret by the lord of the castle and his family and was carefully handed down from generation to generation.

However, sometime later the secret was revealed to sixteen of the family's chief retainers and the techniques were passed on without interruption. Takayama is now the only place in the country where tea whisks are being made.

There are about 120 different kinds of Takayama Chasen, the type of material, shape and number of splines varying according to the school of tea, and also on the kind of tea, whether it is weak or strong, to be served in very formal surroundings or at an open air tea ceremony, or if the whisk is for a travelling set. The taste of the tea is also said to differ slightly according to the workmanship during the whittling process. A part from the traditional whisks, some are now made for decorative purposes, while others are made to produce a good head of froth on milky coffee.


In modern times, we usually use chasen only for “macha” powdered green tea. For other types of tea that we get from the best "tea farms" in Uji, Shizuoka, Kyoto areas, all organic, available in store: 2 different matcha, sencha, genmaicha, hojicha, kukicha) which we have at our store : we use tea pots from design specialists.

For this type of tea you can make it much like you would for an Earl Grey tea. According to your preference, you keep the tea in as you like. We usually use the tea leaf for about 1 minute for the first time and then about 2 minutes for the second pot. But it is up to you to determine the taste that you prefer.

The typical bamboo considered good for chasen is said to be that from the mountains of Hyogo, Nare, Kyoto and other areas on the Pacific Ocean side of the Kinki region. This is because this area is low in nutrients causing the bamboo to grow strong and sturdy. The craftsman then takes the piece of bamboo and divides it into sixteen pieces, they’re then cut into large and small segments to make the number of tines required. The ends of the tines are boiled in hot water and placed on a stand, then thinned from the base to the tip. After carving, the bristles are tapered to create a brush-shape, smoothing out all the rough edges and then finish it off by fixing the base securely with thread.
You don't actually "whisk" the tea with them the way you would egg whites; you move it in a "m" motion instead in the tea bowl.

To clean, rinse then dry before storing. You can buy stands (referred to as "forms") that you put them on to dry to help them retain their shape longer.

Old and broken ones are taken to temples once a year, generally around May, and burnt there in a ceremony called "chasen koyō." It is considered bad form to simply toss one in the garbage,

We recommend that you get the bamboo whisk wet just before you use it. The bamboo whisk is susceptible to dry conditions. When it is dry, it becomes brittle and easy to break. 
It is better to store the bamboo whisk on a whisk keeper after using it. This will help the whisk to retain its shape.

These tea whisks are available at our store.




Nawrap Maruyama Linens

Maruyama Fiber Industry Co. Ltd was founded in Nara, Japan in 1930. They began manufacturing traditional mosquito nets that were woven from cotton and hemp fabrics. Mosquito nets later lost their relevance in Japan because of modern living and convenience. The traditional mosquito net fabric has since been adapted using traditional weaving technologies, into a line of multipurpose eco cloths. This absorbent, quick-drying fabric is perfect for the home. It is high quality, durable and soft. They have products that will work in your bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and more!


What is Multipurpose Eco Cloth?

Multipurpose Eco cloth is made from coarse fabric that was traditionally used by Japanese to make mosquito nets. Due to the increase of modern technology and declining demand for mosquito nets, materials were instead made to Multipurpose Eco Cloth while keeping its traditional weaving techniques.

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The Bath Towels are 100% naturally made. They feature a unique weave that is exclusive to Japan and are made without any dyes or chemicals. The persimmon and charcoal towels naturally absorb odor and bacteria and ideal for after the bath or shower.


Small Dish cloths are also popular both online and at our store with their antibacterial qualities. These dry quickly and are strong and with care last a long time.  


Japanese Soba Noodles - An Easy & Healthy Dish For Your Weekend

How To Make Soba Noodles

Soba Is Made With Buckwheat Flour And Is Very Good For Your Health. In Japan We Eat These Noodles Regularly But Especially Just Before New Years As Noodles Represent Longevity And Good Luck. These Can Be Eaten Hot Or Cold. 

Want To Try Cold Soba Noodles In Summer?:




Boil Water And Add The Noodles And Cook For 3-5 Minutes Depending On If You Like Them Soft Or Al Dente. We Usually Eat This Cold In Summer And Rinse In Cold Water Immediately. There Are A Few Types Of Sauces That We Use For Dipping. 

  • Tsuyu : A Mix Of Fish Stock, Sake, Salt.
  • Ponzu : Which Is Made With Fish Stock And Japanese Lemon Called Yuzu
  • Sesame : You Can Make These At Home By Grinding Sesame With Soy Sauce.

We Garnish This This With Spring Onions (Negi) Which Can Be Found In Most Supermarkets. If You Can Find It, We Put Some Wasabi Or Grated Ginger For Extra Taste And Vitamins. 

Cold Soba Can Also Be Eaten With Mixed Salads, Daikon Radish, Tomato, Carrot’s, Cucumbers, Avocado, Etc, With Mayonnaise Or Your Favorite Regular Salad Dressings. 

Or If You Prefer The Traditional Hot Soba Noodles?:

For Hot Soba Recipes Cook The Noodles For Less Time (2-3 Minutes) And Pour It Out, Then Make A Bowl Of Boiled Water With Hot Water And Tsuyu Sauce Or Ponzu Sauce.

Inside The Hot Soba You Can Put Spring Onions, Vegetables, Spinach, Corn, Peas, Mushrooms, Seafood, Beef, Chicken, Duck, As Well As Tempura.

Japanese Green Tea - Matcha & Sencha

Matcha and Sencha are both made from green tea however Matcha is grown in the shade and uses the whole leaves made into powder so it is stronger then Sencha, which is grown in full sun. 

Matcha powdered tea is stronger and is usually better in the morning as it has more caffeine than coffee, yet many people comment that it is much more calming and you don’t get the jittery feeling that some people feel from coffee. Put a small amount around 1 tsp or more to your liking, into a cup. Add hot water (just under a boil). Then use a chasen bamboo tea tool and whisk vigorously in a zig zag motion until the tea is frothy and enjoy. This Macha powder is also used to make sweets, cookies, ice-cream, as well as beauty products. Masha tea is popular because it has more nutrition in it as the full leaf is dried and grated where as with Sencha or other teas, you lose some of the nutrition when you throw away the old leaves. Macha has more vitamin B6 and beta-carotene while Sencha has more vitamin C and vitamin E. 

Sencha has less caffeine so you can drink it later after dinner without worrying about not being able to sleep. This more commonly comes in Leaf form as opposed to powder form. Generally best to use a small amount in a Japanese tea pot. People often brew the tea for too long, for good tea you should brew the first batch for about one minute. Keep the tea in the pot and you can usually get at least 3 brews. The longer you keep it, the longer you brew the tea, about 2 minutes. 

Green tea is full of antioxidants, lowers cholesterol, is known to fight cancer, does not raise insulin. It is also known to calm and relax you and is used during meditation. 

Having a cup of green tea is proven to keep you healthy. Green tea skin products are also known to be effective. Enjoy your tea in whatever way you like it!